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Alignment of Spain with the european framework for interoperability.

17 may 2013

According to page published in the european monitoring centre NIFO, spain has a full alignment with the european framework for Interoperability in connection with the ‘ governance ’, ‘ principles ’ and ‘ interoperability ’ agreements; and almost entirely ‘ conceptual model ’ and ‘ levels of interoperability ’.

According to the tab (Opens in new window) for Spain published in the observatory NIFO (Opens in new window) our country has a full alignment with the European Interoperability framework (Opens in new window) in connection with the ‘ governance ’, ‘ principles ’ and ‘ interoperability ’ agreements; and almost entirely ‘ conceptual model ’ and ‘ levels of interoperability ’.
The review in detail the relationship between the National Interoperability their technical standards, interoperability and infrastructure and common services, with specific references SARA network (Opens in new window) and Beijing platform for Brokering the issues, and developed by the european framework for interoperability.


Our country thus occupies a prominent place thanks to the National Interoperability and their technical standards have been developed in light of the state of art and the main actors on interoperability from the european union, national and international standardization, similar actions in other countries, etc., bearing in mind at the outset the European Strategy of Interoperability (Opens in new window) and, European Interoperability framework (Opens in new window) . In Addition, both the ENI, and its technical standards for interoperability , systematically provide liaison with counterparts in the instruments at european level (e.g. SARA network with the trans-european sTESTA (Opens in new window) , @Firma with STORK , Portal 060 with Portal Your Europe/Your Europe (Opens in new window) , EUGO (Opens in new window) with the points of single contact of the services directive, PTT the Portal JOINUP (Opens in new window) ).
The Observatory of the National Frameworks for interoperability ( NIFO – National Interoperability Framework Observatory (Opens in new window) ) is an action ISA programme (Opens in new window) the follow-up by european countries of the following issues:
1. The main activities on interoperability.
2. The framework of interoperability.
3. The alignment with the European Interoperability framework (Opens in new window) .
4. Other initiatives on interoperability.
For each country develops a page from analysis of interoperability framework and related activities through an analytical model which aims to show the status of art.


  • Interoperability and standardization