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IV Jornadas sobrre information technologies for the modernization of public administrations (TECNIMAP '95) Palma de Mallorca

By Resolution of 14 november 1994 (Opens in new window) (BOE of 24 november), of the high council of computer technology, convened the IV Jornadas on information technologies for the modernization of public administrations, TECNIMAP-95.

These Courses were held on 10, 11 and 12 may 1995 in the Auditorium of Palma de Mallorca, in partnership with the autonomous community of the islands Baleares.En these lectures by rapporteurs specially invited by the executive committee. The conferences were followed by panel discussions discussed the issues mentioned previously. The conferences and round tables addressed the following five Themes:

  • Telecommunications, interactivity and multimedia: New opportunities for the administrations.
  • Projects in information and communication technologies: Its financing and incidence on the organization and human resources of the administrations.
  • The new legal framework for information and communications.
  • Standardization and quality of information and communication systems.
  • Information systems in the direction in public administrations: The new role of public-sector management.