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Criteria of safety, standardization and preservation of the applications used in the exercise of powers

La Resolution of 26 may 2003, the state secretariat for public administration (Abre en nueva ventana)  , dispone la publicación del Acuerdo por el que se aprueban los Criterios de seguridad, normalización y conservación de las aplicaciones utilizadas por la Administración General del Estado (AGE) en el ejercicio de potestades (BOE 23-6-2003).

The national security, regulated by the Royal Decree 3/2010, of 8 january (Opens in new window) , and the national Interoperability, regulated by the Royal Decree 4/2010, of 8 january (Opens in new window) these, sustituiran criteria of safety, standardization and preservation of the applications used by the General state administration in the performance of its powers.


The criteria of safety, standardization and conservation (Criteria SNC) are threefold:

  • Provide the set of organizational and technical measures (the security council, standardization, conservation) to ensure compliance with the legal requirements for the validity and effectiveness of administrative procedures of the General state administration, using electronic means, computer and telephone in the performance of its powers.

  • To facilitate the widespread adoption by the General state administration of organizational and technical measures to ensure the protection provided to the risks of systems and applications that manage.

  • Promote the maximization of the information and communication technologies in administrative activity and ensure the respect of guarantees and rights of citizens in their relations with the administration.


It consists of three parts:

  • CRITERIA OF SAFETY: States the conditions, criteria, and recommendations relating to the implementation of organizational and technical security in the design, development, implementation and operation of the above-mentioned applications for exercise of powers.

  • CRITERIOS DE NORMALIZACIÓN: Expone las pautas para facilitar la compatibilidad técnica y la interoperabilidad de las aplicaciones.

  • MAINTENANCE CRITERIA: States the conditions, criteria and recommendations for the retention of information in electronic form in the above-mentioned applications.

Official publication

Promoted by the high council of Informatics and to foster E-government the latest electronic publishing is being undertaken in june 2004. NIPO (electronic publication): 3 26-04-044 -9.

The ministry of Public Administrations also conducted an official publication in hard copy in december 2004, - JAPANESE (print publication): 3 26-04-047 -5 isbn: 84-95912-23-6.

Es una obra que ha tenido un gran interés metodológico y de contenidos.

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