
PAe - integration of the continental click the Notific@ service
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Integration of the continental click the Notific@ service

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25 november 2016

One of the relevant functionalities that incorporates the 3.5 release of Access.

Other features that incorporates the relevant version 3.5 accesses, is the integration of the platform with the service Notific@. This allows for integration, each administrative procedure defined in ACCESS and configured :

  1. Parameterisation these shipping options: channel Sede-e notification - ACCESS and Citizen Folder; DSM compulsory; DSM voluntary/mail, etc.; days of delay for the provision through the DSM or by mail; deadline for the expiry of the notice; issuing agency, etc.

  2. Referral to Notific@, from management module accesses, of notifications being issued as part of the processing of files (requirements, resolutions, other notifications or communications).

  3. Management of outstanding notices, reported and rehusadas (either expressly or defeated the preclusive time limit).

  4. Attendance and access to the content of notice, through the area of my Notifications or My files of the Sede-e. Spread of the changes in the status of notifications between ACCESS and Notific@.

More information on ACCESS in the cst

  • Centre for technology transfer