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Efficiency and sustainability

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81 - The Intranet of the senate

Mariano Santamaría Azpitarte

82 - Connection between the records of the senate and the secretariat of state for constitutional and parliamentary affairs

José Manuel Mínguez González

83 - SOA: Adaptation to the change in public administrations Practical case: Xunta de Galicia

Beatriz Costs Rubio
Tecnocom, telecommunications and energy, S.A.

84 - Prison work and training for employment (TPFE)

Manuel Martínez Domínguez
TPFE - Prison Work and training for employment

85 - Attention to the citizen multichannel Madrid city council, the new system of LÍNEAMADRID CRM

Francisco J. Carmona López
Madrid city council

86 - Geographic information systems in the Minsiterio of Environment and Rural ministery

María Soledad Gómez Andrés
Ministry of environment and Rural ministery

87 - Multidimensional Analysis Tool for the employment Observatory

Aragon institute of Employment
Government of aragón

88 - Of quality management and governance of quality. So Impressive a focused plan from

Marta de Miguel, Juan Arana
University of Zarazoza

89 - Ecorresponsable contribution of new technologies in the public employment service of Galicia

Alejandro Houses vázquez, Jaime Valenzuela Fernández
Xunta de Galicia

90 - Electronic brief of Modifications. "Paper...: engineering" proceedings

Rafael Ferrando Martínez, Inés Pérez Quiñonero, Mª José Goalkeeper López
Universidad de Murcia

91 - Innovation Co-opetición Practice and, when applied to Administrative Modernization

The diputación de Teruel

92 - Ict services for the University Of San Jorge: towards an efficient model in infrastructure and communications systems

José Antonio Barrio Puyo, Roberto Bazán Sancho, Jorge Miguel Moneo
Universidad San Jorge

93 - Management Applications (AMS) in the area of Various Departments and agencies of the administration of the autonomous community of aragon

Telematic services aragonese government of aragón.

94 - Prototype gis for the management of soil in public entities

Pilar García Almirall, Pau Queraltó i Ros, Francesc Valls Dalmau, Rolando Biere Arenas
Polytechnic university of catalonia

95 - Changes in internal management when launching projects of interoperability: The case of the connection between the records of the senate and the secretariat of state for constitutional and parliamentary affairs

José Manuel Mínguez González