Order TFP/16/2021, of 11 january, by which the process of recognizing the level of excellence and awards to the quality and Innovation n in management n P XIV edition republic, n.


Order TFP/16/2021, of 11 january, by which the process of recognizing the level of excellence and awards for the quality and innovation in governance, XIV edition.

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Open the deadline for nominations to the awards to the quality and innovation in Governance

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26 january 2021

Order TFP/16/2021, of 11 january, by which the process of recognizing the level of excellence and awards for the quality and innovation in governance, XIV edition.

The Prizes to the quality and innovation in governance are governed by the order TFP/967/2019, 18 september, establishing the foundations for regulating the recognition of the general framework for quality improvement in the General state administration, approved by royal decree 951/2005 of 29 july and are convened annually by order of Ministry of Territorial policy and Public service.

In accordance with the first orders, recognition is broken down into two subprogrammes:

  • The recognition of excellence, consisting of the certification of accredited organizations that have a certain level of excellence by comparison to reference models recognized and
  • Awards for the quality and innovation in governance, with the following modalities:
    • The prize for excellence in public administration.
    • The prize for innovation in governance.
    • The Prize Citizenship.
The Order TFP/16/2021, of 11 january, (Opens in new window) by the summoned the process of recognizing the level of excellence and awards for the quality and innovation in governance, XIV edition, have explicitly incorporated within the evaluation criteria of awards for innovation and citizenship, elements relating to the pandemic COVID-19 and sustainable development goals (ODS) .

The deadline for nominations is open until 15 march 2021 through the following electronic headquarters. (Opens in new window)

For more information, visit the web portal Public service. (Opens in new window)

email: calidad.reconocimiento@correo.gob.es .

Original source of news (Opens in new window)

  • Open government, reports and studies