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Publicación de la Guía de Transición de la UNE 139803:2004 a UNE 139803:2012

20 november 2013

The Observatory of Web Accessibility issued a new guide that will help to manage the transition to the implementation of the new standard UNE 139803:2012.

The Web accessibility observatory continues to preparing materials to support for the implementation of the new standard UNE 139803:2012 (Opens in new window) (equivalent to WCAG 2.0).

To the existing materials ("transition to A 139803:2012" is now incorporates a new guide, " A guide to Transition 139803:2004 139803:2012 "a guide to help web designers and developers to make the transition of websites which already meet the old standard UNE 139803:2004. It explain why new requirements be met, what have varied in their orientation and even what is no longer necessary to fulfil. This new guide was published in the traditional PDF format and as a novelty in EPUB format for ease of reference and reading.

In addition, managers of portals of the public authorities can apply for membership Accessibility community (Opens in new window) in the knowledge-sharing in this area. we encourage You to use the forums available for queries with regard to the implementation of the standard UNE 139803:2012.

  • Accessibility


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