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Social networks and electronic Administration

Tecnimap 2010 Logo

It develops the concept of Open Government, with emphasis on the existing tools in network to facilitate electronic relations, always from the ongoing dialogue, discussion and steady improvement

1: Line Services to users

Thursday, 8 april 10 - Meeting - 16:00 - 18:00 - Dag

Open administration (Open Government) is an administration in the emphasis on relations with citizens and direct contact with them, becoming more transparent, participatory and collaborative fashion.

An open Administration is listening to citizens and takes into account their views, does it with other administrations, sharing information and knowledge. Took the opening of online data, ensures the quality and objectivity of information and brings a cultural change based primarily on the principle of citizen participation.

Increasingly the administration should be open to social networks of the blogosphere, such as facebook, twitter, flickr, youtube, among others. The administration should have a presence there where its potential customers.

It develops the concept of Open Government, with emphasis on the existing tools in network to facilitate electronic relations, always from the ongoing dialogue, discussion and constant improvement.

Open administration (Open Government) is an administration in the emphasis on relations with citizens and direct contact with them, becoming more transparent, participatory and collaborative fashion.

An open Administration is listening to citizens and takes into account their views, does it with other administrations, sharing information and knowledge. Took the opening of online data, ensures the quality and objectivity of information and brings a cultural change based primarily on the principle of citizen participation.

Increasingly the administration should be open to social networks of the blogosphere, such as facebook, twitter, flickr, youtube, among others. The administration should have a presence there where its potential customers.

It develops the concept of Open Government, with emphasis on the existing tools in network to facilitate electronic relations, always from the ongoing dialogue, discussion and constant improvement. See more

M oderador :

D. Iñaki Ortiz Sánchez , Director de innovación and E-government, department of justice and public administration, Viceconsejería of public administration, Basque Government

Panellists :

  • D. Rafael Chamorro Marín . Director, office Of Tourism in Oslo
  • D. Alberto Ortiz de zárate Tercero . The Director of Public Attention, Department of justice and public administration, Basque Government
  • D. Ignacio Celaya Pérez . The Director-General of citizen participation, Government of aragón
  • D. Marc Garriga Portolà . Web Analytics Manager, Barcelona city council
  • Dª Idoia Llano April . Director of studies, Documentación and Library, Ombudsman of the basque country

Summary of the meeting (Abre in new window)