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Oecd also publishes studies on emerging technologies, such as Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence or 5G

  • Data Ethics

    Oecd has developed the principles of good practices for the ethical use of data in projects, products and services in the public sector to ensure that they are of trust for the citizens. The paper presents 10 principles of good practices and include a set of specific actions that can support their implementation.

  • Government Policy Frameword

    The OECD - Policy "d igital governmental: six dimensions of a digital government "is a policy instrument designed to assist governments to identify effective design and implementation of strategic approaches to the transition to digital maturity of their public sectors.


  • Artificial Intelligence

    The IA is transforming every aspect of our lives. Pledges to help in resolving global challenges such as climate change, but also new challenges for governments and citizenship. Oecd provides support to governments, measuring and analysing the economic and social impact of its implementation and identifying good practices to carry out public policies.

  • 5G

    This new generation of mobile telephony aims to provide 200 times higher speeds and a latency a tenth, in respect of existing networks 4G. Oecd analysis of national strategies and technical pilots implemented by the countries members of this organization.

  • Data Ethics

    Oecd has developed the principles of good practices for the ethical use of data in projects, products and services in the public sector to ensure that they are of trust for the citizens. The paper presents 10 principles of good practices and include a set of specific actions that can support their implementation.

  • Government Policy Frameword

    The OECD - Policy "d igital governmental: six dimensions of a digital government "is a policy instrument designed to assist governments to identify effective design and implementation of strategic approaches to the transition to digital maturity of their public sectors.


  • Artificial Intelligence

    The IA is transforming every aspect of our lives. Pledges to help in resolving global challenges such as climate change, but also new challenges for governments and citizenship. Oecd provides support to governments, measuring and analysing the economic and social impact of its implementation and identifying good practices to carry out public policies.

  • 5G

    This new generation of mobile telephony aims to provide 200 times higher speeds and a latency a tenth, in respect of existing networks 4G. Oecd analysis of national strategies and technical pilots implemented by the countries members of this organization.