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Éxito del portal de Interoperabilidad Pasaxe! de la Xunta de Galicia.

25 november 2014

This tool prevented the introduction of 30,000 documents for citizens and businesses since its launch five months ago.

The Portal of Interoperability Pasaxe! recorded since its inception, six months ago, 30,000 visitors from the different autonomous departments, which means avoiding the request of 30,000 documents or certificates to citizens and businesses for the implementation of administrative procedures.

Pasaxe! it is the technology platform which allows the exchange of information between the autonomous administrations, state and local levels, avoiding the citizen to provide documentation already on file with the public administrations, thereby fulfilling the duties prescribed in law 11/2007 of 22 june electronic access of citizens to public services.

Since its start Pasaxe! it incorporated new services until the current 27 and throughout the year be achieved more than 30 as the title of the large family, or the certificate of disability, among others. In Addition, the regional government to make available to the municipalities the node of interoperability, which will enable them to access the services of interoperability of the General state administration .

This service, in addition to ensure prompt attention, is of particular importance to the citizen, as it would avoid having to produce the same information in various administrations. Is a critical factor, so that citizens can resolve their efforts with public administrations in a single proceeding or procedure, regardless of the administrative level approach

Savings of eur 5 million
The launch of Pasaxe! fits into the actions of Modernization of the home rule authority of the Xunta. With the aim to increase the savings to the galician citizens and companies that interact with the Home rule authority, it aims to increase by 300 per cent the number of consultations undertaken with interoperability in 2015 the number of 1,000,000.

Achieving this goal, it is estimated a lower annual administrative burdens 5.550.000 euros to the galician citizens and companies method of measurement of simplified administrative burdens and their reduction adopted by the Xunta de Galicia.

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  • Citizen
  • Interoperability