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Common Services of Electronic Signature

Suite of electronic signature products to promote and facilitate the implementation of signature and authentication in public administration

Within the common services provided by the secretary of state for Digital Administration has established a suite of electronic signature products to promote and facilitate the implementation of signature and authentication in the civil service, promoting the reuse of solutions with the primary purpose of offering a service validation of certificates, electronic signature and security, effectively decoupled from the applications with the aim of encouraging the introduction of e-services for the citizen.

This is meant to be a reference to implementation of the measures and identification of signature described in the Law 39/2015, of 1 october, of Common Administrative Procedure and Law 40/2015, of 1 october, from The Legal Regime of the public Sector .

Suite @firma scheme   Submission of the suite @firma (Abre in new window)

Through the set of applications from the @firma provides a horizontal services of signature and some hardware. These services and applications are made available to public administrations that wish to:

Common elements

  • @firma : platform of validation of certificates and signatures, offered as a service from the secretary-General for administration.
  • TS@ authority of time-stamping : Authority of time-stamping of the ministry of the secretary-General for administration.
  • Cl@ve : Platform for identification of individuals on the basis of certificates, concerted keys, and other european identification systems.
  • Cl@vefirma Signature: certificates in the cloud ‘ ’.
  • Portafirmas in: SARA component for the integration of the firm in the organizational workflows offered as a service from the network SARA.

Products available

  • @firma : In federal model. Offered to be plugged into any administration.
  • For validation of certificates and signatures
  • For server signing, or label.
  • Suite Cliente of @firma : generación de firmas en local (PC o dispositivo móvil) en diferentes formatos:
    • For web browsers: miniapplet (javascript) + Autofirma
    • As a desktop application and Standalone Self:
    • As App for mobile devices: mobile @firma client
  • FIRe Component: integrating signature services locally (PC and mobile devices) and in the cloud
  • eVisor : Aplicación web de generación de copias auténticas e informes de firma en pdf
  • Portafirmas component: for the integration of the signing in organizational work
  • Integr@ : bookstores/services for the integration with @firma and signature in local server.

Direct services to the citizen (portals)

  • Validate : web application to the end-user for validacion de firmas y certificados @firma Demonstrator.
  • Portal of signature (Abre in new window) : basic concepts regarding signature and what is the process of signature

Solutions cloud

  • Portafirmas in: SARA component for the integration of the firm in the organizational workflows offered as a service from the network SARA.


European union. Project co-financed by the european Regional development fund (ERDF)