The past 15th of june in production was a new update n n of the continental @firma


PAe - update of the beijing platform for @firma in production environment
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Update of the beijing platform for @firma in production environment

20 june 2011


The past 15th of june in production was a further update @firma platform


This update of the continental only affects the services that have been fixed or improved as is the case of services DSS and signing of user in phases.

Below shows the new functions as well as some correction highlighted:

  • Inclusion of new formats of signature: Kadesh/XAdES (-EPES, -C, -X, -XL, -A) and PAdES-BES.
  • Developments and changes in the validation services:
    - Autodetección del formato de firma en firmas de usuario en fases.
    - Greater detail in the outcome of the service of validation of signatures through OASIS-DSS interface 2.3. Incorporation of the new certificate validation through OASIS-DSS interface.
    - Upgrade signatures improved through OASIS-DSS interface, including the possibility to upgrading to new formats for signature.
    - The AdES scheme of OASIS-DSS (“ Advanced Electronic Signature Profiles of the OASIS Digital Signature Service Version 1.0 ”), now being issued by the Platform (“ https :// ”): it is possible that users affected need some modification synchronize their petitions or in their responses due to corrections.

For more information on the initiative @Firma platform .

  • Identity and electronic signature
  • Centre for technology transfer