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Accessibility statement


This website is partly as with the RD 1112/2018 due to the exceptions and the lack of conformity of the following areas.

Content is not accessible

The content presented below is not accessible by the following:

  1. lack of conformity with the RD 1112/2018

    • Existen logotipos e imágenes con texto alternativo incorrecto o confuso e imágenes complejas sin descripción textual  [requirement number textual content is not, of UNE-EN 301549:2022].

    • There are lists created incorrectly (without list label), tables with cells and labelled incorrectamene invisible tags in form elements [requirement number Information and relationships, UNE-EN 301549:2022].

    • There are tables that are not adapted to screen sizes small and form fields that are not displayed correctly in small screen sizes [requirement number Readjustment of text, UNE-EN 301549:2022] .

    • There is a text which change the spaces and at altitudes of line does not display correctly [requirement number, spacing of text UNE-EN 301549:2022].

    • There are elements that are not accessible by your keyboard layout, for example links to social networks, the text editor for comments, elements for sort search results, page of search results or the arrows calendar [requirement number Keyboard, UNE-EN 301549:2022].

    • There are elements that do not receive the focus and therefore cannot interact with them using the keyboard, for example [requirement number order of the focus of UNE-EN 301549:2022] .

    • There are links that do not correctly identifies its role (have an inadequate description, a text too generic, a title inadequate...)
      [requirement number purpose of links, UNE-EN 301549:2022].

    • There are repeated headed with text and/or little descriptive [requirement number Headed and labels, UNE-EN 301549:2022].

    • There are images, graphics, text links or buttons, text and content of which are not translated into other languages [requirement number language of the parties, of UNE-EN 301549:2022] .

    • In any page is using the same icon for different purposes, which generates confunsión [requirement Identification number consistent, UNE-EN 301549:2022] .

    • There are error messages, or rather descriptive error messages that are not grouped in a single message as well as lack of suggestions in form to fill in the fields [requirement Identification number of errors, UNE-EN 301549:2022] .

    • There are forms with compulsory fields where it informs the user of this, as well as areas where lack a textual example of the format of the field
      (for example the DNI) [requirement number Labels and instructions, UNE-EN 301549:2022] .

    • There are reporting forms the error when entered an incorrect value but they are not reported as a suggestion for correction
      [requirement number Suggestions to errors, UNE-EN 301549:2022] .

    • There are pages syntax errors and therefore any support may not interpret correctly the content (IDs of page duplicates, labels, without closing tag incorecta construcciòn...) [requirement number of Processing, UNE-EN 301549:2022] .

    • There are pages in which support products will not be able to obtain information, interact and be kept abreast of the state of frontier controls of user interface, for example, tooltips, your actions, attributes, image links page language... that cannot be read by screen readers at the time they appear [requirement number name, role, value of UNE-EN 301549:2022] .

    • There may be timely decisions in any web page.

  2. disproportionate burden

    • Not applicable.
  3. contents does not fall within the scope of legislation apply

    • There could be ofimáticos files in PDF or other formats issued before 20 september 2018 that do not fully implemented all the requirements of accessibility. Although we have tried to ensure that the majority of them it comply with it.

Preparation of the present statement of accessibility

The present statement was prepared on 29 july 2002.

The method used to prepare the statement has been a self-assessment carried out by the agency itself.

Recent review of the declaration: 23 december 2022.

Observations and contact information

You can make communications on accessibility requirements (article 10.2.a) del RD 1112/2018) including:

  • report on any possible non-compliance on the part of this web site
  • transmit other difficulties of access content
  • to make any other query or suggestion for improvement concerning the accessibility of web site

Through the following contact form. or by calling 91 273 32 57.

May submit:

  • a Complaint concerning compliance with the requirements of the RD 1112/2018 or
  • a Request for information accessible concerning:
    • contents they are excluded of Scope of application del RD 1112/2018, as provided for by article 3, paragraph 4
    • contents they are free of implementation the requirements of accessibility to impose a disproportionate burden .

In the application of information accessible, it needs to be worked out clearly the facts, reasons and request to the fact that this is a reasonable request and legitimate.

Through Instance generic electronic headquarters of the ministry of economic and Digital Transformation (Opens in new window) as well as the rest of the options provided in the act 39/2015, of 1 october, of Common Administrative Procedure of the public authorities.

Communications, complaints and requests for information accessible will be received and handled by the Secretariat-General for administration Digital .

Method of implementation

If after a request for information accessible or complaint, this had been rejected, it is not in conformity with the decision taken, or the response would not meet the requirements set out in regulation 12.5, the person concerned may initiate a claim. It also may initiate a claim in the event that it has been passed within 20 working days without having received no reply.

The claim may be submitted through the Instance generic electronic headquarters of the ministry of economic and Digital Transformation (Opens in new window) as well as in the rest of the options provided in the act 39/2015, of 1 october, of Common Administrative Procedure of the public authorities.
Complaints are received and handled by the Sub-department of Inspection Services the ministry of economic and Digital Transformation.

Optional content

This website applies the requirements of the Rule UNE-EN 301549:2022 considering the exceptions of RD 1112/2018.

The last revision of accessibility has been made in october 2021.

The website is optimized for browsers Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 and current versions of FireFox, Safari, Opera and The Google Chrome. resolution web minimum is 1280x1024 .

The website is designed for visualization Responsive, optimally displayed in the tablet and mobile devices. In these devices is optimized for visualization in the latest versions of Chrome for existing mobile, Firefox for mobile, Safari, Opera Mini mobile browser and native of Android.

Incorporating a number of keyboard shortcuts for easy navigation through the portal:

Keyboard shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts PAe sections PAe pages
0 Accessibility https :// _ Home/pae _ Information/pae _ Accesibilidad.html
1 Jump to the content Is situated in the central content of the page.
2 Jump to the footer Jump to the footer.
3 Area menu Is situated in the top menu, allowing navigation with the arrow keys (arrow keys).
4 Zone of left menu Is situated in the left menu of the page if it contains.
5 Site Map https :// _ Home/pae _ Information/pae _ MapaWeb.html
B Form Is situated in the form.
J Contact https ://
I Homepage https ://

Depending on the browser, which is the portal, you need to use a combination of keys or other for the use of keyboard shortcuts:

Shortcut keys
Operating System Browser Shortcut keys
Windows Internet Explorer Alt + hotkey
Google Chrome Alt + hotkey
Safari Alt + hotkey
Firefox Alt + Shift + hotkey
MAC Safari Ctrl + Alt + hotkey
Google Chrome Ctrl + Alt + hotkey
Firefox Ctrl + hotkey
Ubuntu Firefox Alt + Shift + hotkey

Links Links
